Free Short Story: Lola’s Decision
Lola always wanted to study the Arts. Her family wants her to be a doctor. Can she find a way to do both or will one dream have to be sacrificed?
The trouble with ‘coco’
Many new writers defer to publishers decisions without question. They think that publishers, specifically editors, know best when it comes to a writer’s work. Unfortunately, that is not always the case.
The crowd
But everyone’s doing it. Doing anything solely based on what everyone’s doing is a great way to stay stuck.
A little gratitude
It’s really easy to get caught up in what’s not going right. Perhaps your story has stalled on page 100 (relax that’s normal). Or you’ve not hit your goal for the year (or decade). Perhaps you’re not where you’d hoped to be in your life. Others have hit special milestones and you feel left behind, or you’ve hit a milestone and you feel inadequate.