Kobo Black Friday/ Cyber Monday Sale
Ready to treat yourself or a friend? Then get The Sapphire Pendant for 50% off through Kobo’s Black Friday/ Cyber Monday Sale! Grab your special deal here. But don’t wait too long. The sale ends Monday, November 30th.
Kobo’s Holiday/Boxing Week Sale
Ready to start 2020 with a fun romance at a great price? Then head over to Kobo’s Holiday/Boxing Week Sale and get my popular title, Unexpected Pleasure, and many others at a great discount! Here are the links: AU/NZ – https://www.kobo.com/p/christmasANZ CA – https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/p/boxingweek19 US – https://www.kobo.com/p/hols2019 But don’t wait too long to decide because the sale ends January 1st.
Kobo Romance Sale
Get A Tempting Proposal and other romance titles for 40% off! Use promo code: 40ROM But don’t wait too long, this offer only lasts from August 22nd-26th. Click here to start shopping.