Global Kobo Sale (except US)
Stock up on books and enjoy Kobo’s April sale! You can get lots of books including the first book in the Henson series, TABLE FOR TWO, at 40% off.
For Fans in New Zealand and Australia
Here’s a special Mother’s Day sale for you on Kobo. Get The Sapphire Pendant, the first book in the Clifton Sisters series, at a bargain price. But don’t wait too long, the sale ends May 17th. Buy now.
For Fans in the UK, Australia and New Zealand
Here’s a special sale for you on Kobo. If you haven’t tried, POWER PLAY, the first book in the Black Stockings Society, here’s your chance to get it as part of their October Bonus Deals. But don’t wait too long, the sale ends October 24th.
The Amber Stone
October is proving to be a very busy month for me. Not only am I preparing for the release of UNEXPECTED PLEASURE and putting the finishing touches on another story I hope to have out by December, I’m also hard at work on THE EMERALD RING, the third book in the Clifton Sister’s trilogy. If you haven’t read, THE AMBER STONE, the second book in the series, here’s your chance to get it on sale. So mark your calendars!