Just Some Thoughts,  Tuesday Tips

Why Goals Aren’t Enough

It’s the beginning of a New Year and many creatives have goals and plans they want to fulfill. Goals are important, whether it’s a goal to read more, eat better, create more, learn more, it’s helpful to know where you’d like to end up.

But many people have the same goals and one person achieves the goal and the other doesn’t. What’s the difference?

Many studies have shown that it’s not only about discipline, punishment and willpower. Those are usually short-term fixes, but rarely work in the long-term (which is why diets rarely work because few people stick with them). However, one thing that seems to work over and over again is very simple. And you can use it right away.

It’s called a system.

When you develop a system to help you reach a goal you’re more likely to stick with it and succeed.

Let me give you an example. Say your goal is to write more. One system you can consider is getting a dedicated writing computer/ device. Something that it is ONLY for writing. No distractions.

Or schedule an extra fifteen minutes every week (trust me it adds up) whether in the week or on the weekend.

Or if you want to read more, dedicate a certain device or reading space that is ONLY for reading.

Putting aside a dedicated space, tool, time is just one example of a system you can use to reach a certain goal.

However, there are many more.

Over the next several weeks I’ll share other systems you can try to get you going in the New Year. Stay tuned.

For now try one small change that will get you on the way.

Image copyright © Jazmin Quaynor/Unsplash