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The Sapphire Pendant: A Brief History

In 2006, The Sapphire Pendant helped launch my indie publishing career. I’d already published a non-fiction book but this was my chance to publish fiction. At the time I’d already had two books published traditionally in mass market format and I remember being at a book signing event where a fellow author I respected asked me “Who put you in trade?” and I responded, “I did.”

Here’s a video I had created in 2008 to promote the book.

A lot has changed since then, except my enjoyment of writing and publishing books.

The Sapphire Pendant didn’t fit the market at the time, although it had caught the interest of an agent and later an editor who both wanted to move key scenes and make it more streamline for a wider audience. Cut this, throw out that.

I knew the audience for this story would be small, (it focused on immigrants, sisters with unusual gifts, but it was not a pure paranormal), that’s why I knew I had to publish it myself and be its champion. It later ended up winning a national award and gained a loyal following.

This book has gone through a lot of versions throughout the years but getting back to its beginning is really exciting for me.

New hardcover editions which will never be in retail stores. You can check them out through The Clifton Sisters Kickstarter  and an upcoming novella.

Video © Circle of Seven Productions