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    Dark Love Kickstarter Campaign

    Dark Love: Short Story Collection launches my second Kickstarter Campaign. For the first time, this collection will be available in paperback with a brand new cover. It features five women who discover that love—maternal, romantic, and familial—comes with a cost. I hope you’ll check out this campaign (even if only to look at the video). Find out more here.

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    34 Hours to Go…

    The Kickstarter Campaign is headed towards a strong finish thanks to enthusiastic backers. There’s still time to get Artists are Weird BUT Writers are Crazy months before its late 2022 release and possibly a bonus PDF called How to Spot and Handle the Crazymakers. Artists are Weird BUT Writers are Crazy Campaign

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    Kickstarter Campaign for Writers

    If you’re a writer, or know one, I hope you’ll check out my Kickstarter campaign Artists are Weird BUT Writers are Crazy. Artists are Weird BUT Writers are Crazy is a short handy guide I wrote to help writers regain their sanity in an industry and culture that can drive them crazy. By supporting my campaign, you’ll get this book months before its release in late 2022 and there is a special creativity bundle I created just for the campaign. Artists are Weird BUT Writers are Crazy Campaign

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    If you’re in the UK

    Kobo selected my title This Changes Everything as one of the showcased titles in their Black History Month Celebration. There are a lot of different titles to choose from so enjoy!

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    Celebrating Cats at Smashwords

    Did you know that August 8th is International Cat Day? Me neither. So I was thrilled that Smashwords decided to include my mystery “Remembering Atticus” in their celebration. You can buy that title and more here. And if you want more of my cat tales you may enjoy the following: Finding Francine (mystery) The One Certainty (general fiction) Pawprints in the Snow (fantasy) Pawprints in the Heart (fantasy) Pawprints in the Clouds (fantasy)