Changes Ahead
Over the next few of months I’m going to make some changes to my website (at first minor and then, later in the year, major) so be prepared for some possible glitches as things shift. Thanks in advance for your patience. Image © Gerd Altmann/pixabay
The Writer Behind the Words Kickstarter
I’m running a Kickstarter for The Writer Behind the Words (Third Edition) to help writers stay motivated during tough times. I hope you’ll check it out. Find out more here.
Kobo Festive Reads/Holiday Romance Sale
If you’re in the US or Canada get This Changes Everything at 40% off during Kobo’s Holiday Romance Sale throughout the month of December (1st-31st). Karen Palmer hates the thought of firing an employee three weeks before Christmas, but accepts the challenge. Until Joshua Akibu, an attractive, yet surly chemical engineer walks into their meeting holding an adorable infant. Shocked and dismayed, Karen decides to defy her superior and give the single father a second chance, although it jeopardizes her job. Joshua can’t believe his good fortune when the savvy and beautiful Karen decides to let him keep his job. Unfortunately, he has a problem. The baby isn’t his. However,…
The Pawprints Collection Kickstarter Campaign
The Pawprints Collection Kickstarter Campaign puts five stories into one fun volume, including a holiday story that’s never been published before. I’ve included some fun rewards for both readers and writers. I hope you’ll check it out (even if only to look at the video). Find out more here.
Bundle Sale
Barnes & Noble’s running a Bundle Up promotion. You can get The Black Stockings Society Box Set for 50% off until October 17th. 4 women 1 secret club and a chance to change their lives in extraordinary ways. If you haven’t tried one of my most beloved series, get your copy here.