Welcome to my new website!

I always see June as a great month for reflection and change. It’s halfway through the New Year and gives me the opportunity to look at my goals and see the progress I’ve made. I get to look at tasks and gauge whether they’re pushing me forward or holding me back. I take the time to find out what to keep on my “To Do” list and what I need to move to my “Don’t Do” list. I’ve already uncovered three items to put on it.
Having this new website represents renewal for me. The new format gives me the chance to blend my blog and main page creating a dynamic place for both new visitors and old pros. I have so much I wish to share with you and needed the right forum in which to do it. Yes, I’ll still have my newsletter full of hidden gems and my Facebook page for other news, but here you’ll learn about new covers, new stories, new events and whatever else pops to mind.
I hope you’re enjoying 2011 and if there’s a goal that’s fallen by the wayside, just dust it off and give it a chance. You have six more months left to make an impact. Why wait?