Stealing Fire: The Joy of Being a Writer

I am working on so many different projects, sometimes I’m not sure I can keep up. But I’m having lots of fun as I prepare to re-release GAINING INTEREST and schedule to launch three original works before the end of the year. And, in case you think I have extra time, I am also starting another book for Harlequin that’s scheduled for Fall 2012 ( Readers take note: SECRET PARADISE is now in the hands of my editor and is scheduled for March 2012. Whoo hoo!)
Recently an uncle caught me in deadline mode (not the prettiest of pictures I admit) and he feared that I ‘worked too hard’. But I truly enjoy what I do. Here are some thoughts on being a writer.
To me a writer:
Wastes no time on excuses. S/he writes.
Respects his/her audience.
Ignores labels.
Takes time to learn and grow.
Engages in life, knowing that a well-lived life enables great work.
Now I’ll get back to work.
© 2011 Dara Girard