Deadline Blindness

(formerly called Seven Things That Don’t Get Done When I’m on Deadline)
I originally wrote this post in 2008 and thought I’d give it an update. Deadline blindness is not a malady all authors face, lucky sods, but I certainly do. Here are the things I don’t do or see when I’m on a deadline.
1) Laundry. I just fill another basket.
2) Letters/Emails. Haven’t heard from me? Don’t worry you’re not alone.
3) Social Networking. Facebook? I have a Facebook page?
4) Reading. I love books and I have a stack waiting for me, but I can’t get to them yet.
5) Dinner. Soup anyone?
6) Organization. No, a storm did not strike my desk. Yes, I know where everything is. Trust me.
7) Housekeeping. I just pretend the place is clean and make sure not to invite anyone over.
8) Conversation. Yes, you’re right. I wasn’t listening.
9) Exercise. I’m living on soup anyway.
10) TV. It’s just a big black box.
But I’ve handed in my manuscript and the deadline crisis is over so that I can rejoin the world. Thank God for streaming. Downton Abby Season Two here I come…