DG Starter Bundle Sale
For a limited time the DG Starter Bundle is on sale for only $3.99.
Free Short Story: A Work of Art
Fiber artist Tanya Beals desperately wants to sell something at the local craft show. Unfortunately, no one wants to buy the unique pieces she sells. So Tanya comes up with a plan that involves her gorgeous best friend, a handsome stranger and a little white lie.
Kobo’s Holiday/Boxing Week Sale
Ready to start 2020 with a fun romance at a great price? Then head over to Kobo’s Holiday/Boxing Week Sale and get my popular title, Unexpected Pleasure, and many others at a great discount! Here are the links: AU/NZ – https://www.kobo.com/p/christmasANZ CA – https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/p/boxingweek19 US – https://www.kobo.com/p/hols2019 But don’t wait too long to decide because the sale ends January 1st.
Free Short Story: A Cup of Cheer
Alyson loves to spread holiday cheer until she meets Gareth. Can she force herself to look past his gruff ways to the man underneath? “A Cup of Cheer” by National Bestselling author Dara Girard is free on this site from only the 17th to 24th .
New Book Release: This Changes Everything
What can a baby teach two wary hearts? Find out in my latest holiday romance. Get your copy here.