Lions in Trees
Imagine you’re a leopard. After an exhausting ordeal, you’re settling high up in a tree with your meal. Delighting in the shade the tree provides against the hot sun, you also chose this perch because it helps protects you and your lunch from being stolen away by other predators. You’re in no mood to fight and trees are your domain. Suddenly, you glance down and notice that a sleek lioness has started circling below. You’re not worried, however, because lions don’t climb trees. Unfortunately, for you, this lion does. Before you know it the lioness has swiftly closed the distance up the tree and swiped your lunch. Stunned, you watch…
There once lived…
a young girl who loved to draw nature.
Writing Wild: An interview with Tina Welling
Some books deserve their own category. I recently interviewed Tina Welling the author of WRITING WILD: Forming a Creative Partnership with Nature. If the hustle of life is getting you down and crushing your creativity then find out some tips she has to share. You can read the interview here.