Just Some Thoughts

When it’s Missing

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What do you do when…

You don’t have a mentor? You don’t have the resources? When your dreams are big and seem far away?

You start anyway. Just one small step: A step so small no one will notice but you.

There are many roads to success and too often we tell just one story. We discuss the story of great mentorship relationships, the networking at a conference that led to a great collaboration, the retreat or vacation where magic was born.

But sometimes—many times—the road to success doesn’t look like this.

It’s a long, lonely road. And you’ll feel alone because you are alone.

But never think that being alone will last forever. Use solitude as a tool.

Use it to stretch yourself.

And when the solitude feels overwhelming, remember there are mentors all around you—both online and off—in books, documentaries, podcasts, animations, magazines, and more. A wealth of knowledge and camaraderie awaits you.

Your road maybe longer without all the support and resources you need right now, but you’re just passing through to a destination that takes a lot of effort.

And the beginning effort is the most challenging and courageous.

It’s taking the first step.

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“When it’s Missing” © 2016 Dara Girard; Image copyright © 2016 by daphoto/123rf