Free Story

Free Short Story: The Neighbor

After a long day, Anita Cross just wants to enjoy a hot latte in her favorite coffee shop.

But when she sees her new neighbor, a mysterious man whose name she can’t remember, she senses that means trouble.

In minutes she discovers just how much when he approaches her table and demands she leaves with him for her safety.

But can she trust him?

“The Neighbor” by National Bestselling author Dara Girard is free on this site from only the 17th to 24th .

This story is available in the short story collection Dark Love and as an individual story through different retailers here.

The Neighbor

Dara  Girard

A free short story is posted every month and will only be available from the 17th to the 24th. If you missed this one, you can still get it by clicking the links above. And remember to come back next month!