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3 Quick Questions for Author Regina Hart

Author Regina Hart has a passion for basketball, which is why she’s so excited about her recent series the Brooklyn Monarchs. Her latest release is SMOOTH PLAY  with KEEPING SCORE coming out in July. She shared some of her insights into her series and what her alter ego Patricia Sargeant is up to.

The Book


A Kensington Publishing mass market paperback contemporary romance
ISBN-10: 0758258828
ISBN-13: 978-0758258823

A passion for the game is what it takes to win. But off the court, it takes a different kind of savvy to heat things up. . .

He’s part problem-solver and dream-maker. There’s not a crisis he can’t avert. And handling the NBA’s most explosive team has put PR ace Troy Marshall at the top of his game. It also gives him a chance to give back to the community. But one determined reporter is messing with his flow. And he’ll need way more than skill and charm to win this tempting one-on-one. . .

Andrea Benson’s instincts tell her that something major is going on behind-the-scenes with this franchise. And a headline story is the only way she can regain the career and good name she let slip away. But Troy’s sincerity is throwing her for an unexpected–and very seductive–loop. Can they trust each other enough to uncover the truth. . .or will too many secrets be their breaking point?

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Artists are Weird, but Writers are Crazy: Forget Everybody

Please note that this series is written in fun. If you don’t like hints of sarcasm and hyperbole don’t read this series. If you find the title offensive, don’t read this series. However, if you understand that this is a great time to be a writer of fiction and feel like a lone happy person in a tsunami of fear, read on.

Two words I despise, especially in publishing, are ‘Everybody’ and ‘Nobody’.

Everybody is on Facebook.

Everybody has an iPhone (ipod, iPad etc…)

Everybody drives a car.

Nobody knows about eating a banana wrapped in rice.

Nobody knows what a dumpling is.

Nobody listens to (watches, reads, enjoys) that anymore.

Crazy Lesson #6

Artists believe in breaking rules, Writers believe in keeping rules.

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