I had a friend tell me she wasn’t talented enough to create the art piece she wanted to design.  I said she may not have the talent now but with effort she could reach it.

She didn’t believe me so I decided to change the word talent to skill. Once I said she didn’t have the skill she knew what to do. She needed to learn the specialized technique to make her vision come true.

I want to encourage you to do the same. Make a simple switch.

Instead of saying “I’m not talented” say “I’m not skilled.”

So instead of saying “I’m not talented enough to write that poem, story, novel, marketing plan.” Switch to “I’m not skilled enough to write that poem, story, novel, marketing plan.”

Instead of “I’m not talented enough to paint that mural.” Switch to “I’m not skilled enough to paint that mural.”

The beauty of using the word ‘skilled’ is there is a silent word that can follow it: yet. You’re not skilled yet, but with practice you can be.

Far too many people get stuck on ‘talented’ as if it were a fixed state. Perhaps, it’s a loaded word I don’t want to debate here, but you can always gain more skill in a chosen discipline. That’s the path most successful people take. Never let not being talented get in your way. Focus on increasing your skill and you’ll be amazed by how far that takes you.

Image copyright © Gerd Altmann/pixabay